Our family were devastated by the senseless murder of our dear nephew , George Floyd, who the family know as Perry. Words can not explain the emotional and unbearable pain we endured after watching his fate on television
In the middle of Covid 19, we were paralyzed along with the rest of the world, for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, as we watched a modern day lynching that took place right before our own eyes. The world watched something that was cold, heartless and brought the world to tears. The world was traumatized by this horrific act. The world also grieved with us.

Before Perry took his last few breaths, he use what little effort of strength to yell for his mamma. Then HE WAS GONE.  As a family, we were devastated and unable to make sense out of this brutal senseless tragedy. Some of us fell apart, with sleepless nights. Some family  became  angry, sad and furious.  Emotions where all over the place for us all. This was above anything that we could comprehend at they time.We did our best to pull together but we all grieved differently because we all did not share the same relationship with Perry.  At the end of the day, we are still family.
 Like a whirlwind, his death created a social movement and several 1,000's of protests  erupted around the world . The enormous love and support the world showed us,  gave us the endurance  to keep  pushing.  Most of all, we knew we were not alone in this battle for justice.  The world stood with us and we will never forget  it as long we live.  We say his name, "George Floyd".

No matter what we do, Perry is never coming back but we must keep his name alive by speaking out. . We started this speaking group, called GO4J ( Global Outcry 4Justice). We will speak on our experiences with racism, white privilege and systemic racism and what  strategies that can help. We will share ways coping with our grief and day to day experiences. We want to help stop the spread of racism in this country.
 Our nephew's death has created this powerful movement for each and everyone to take a stand and say, "No more". Our ancestors were beaten down with  whips on their bare backs. We are tired of the unfair imprisonment Our ancestors  bonded in slavery with chains on their feet and hands Now in the 21st century, the chains are in institutions.
 There will be no more knee on our necks. George Floyd death has created a revolution around the world. It's a social change that most people have not seen in decades.

We must continue to educate and advocate for change in laws to help us eliminate racism in America and hopefully one day in the world. We realize that we can not legislate hearts but we can educate minds. If you would like GO4J to speak at your event, please contact us. A change in one person, changes a generation. Together, we will heal as a nation by continuing our fight for Perry.